Unsure where to start? Below is a consolidated list of the resources shared in each guide. Let us know if you have anything to add!
Looking for Possible Formats for Your Dissertation?
Digital dissertations can take various forms. We provide an overview of three common approaches.
Need to Get Inspired?
Getting started is the hardest part! Explore these projects and materials for inspiration.
Unsure How to Develop the Initial Project Design/Plan?
Establishing an initial design plan and timeline for tasks is strongly recommended. Read this guide for planning-related tips.
Have You Considered Ethics?
Working with human subjects? Unsure what kind of considerations are critically important? We’ve curated a set of resources to get you asking ethical questions about your work.
Have You Secured Departmental Pre-Approval?
No matter the format your project takes, an important first step is to be open and clear with your committee members. This guide offers resources for gaining pre-approval from your department and committee.
Need to Build Digital Skills?
It’s possible you don’t yet have all the skills required to build your project. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to change that at CUNY and beyond.
Hoping to Fund Your Work/Training?
Learn about various options at CUNY and externally for securing funding for an array of digital projects, training, and resources.
Looking to Establish Community?
Having a community to troubleshoot with, bounce ideas off, and even learn with can help keep you inspired and motivated. And, being part of a larger scholarly community has career-level benefits. We’ve collected a few suggested starting places for finding like-minded scholars.
Unsure How to Help Your Advisor Support You?
Digital dissertations can be new to advisors too. This guide offers resources to help you and your advisor navigate this space.
Have You Reviewed CUNY Submission Requirements?
What to formally submit your digital dissertation at the GC? We’ve made a guide on some of the things to do first.
Wondering Where to Go Next?
Faculty job, postdoc, alt-ac? Learn more about using your digital dissertation project to move you forward in your career.
Hoping Share Your Work Identify Publication Avenues?
Explore some notable places to share your work in scholarly, peer reviewed, formats.
Prefer Multimedia?
Navigate to our DigitalDiss Podcast series and Dissertation Futures event recording
Are You A Faculty Advisor?
Find out more about conceptualizing digital dissertations and formally evaluating digital work.