Digital Dissertations at The Graduate Center

Over the past 20 years, digital dissertations have become options for generating critical and creative interdisciplinary alternatives to the traditional monograph. Digital dissertations might include incorporating digital methods in a traditional monograph, adding a project site, developing a database, assembling an archive, composing a non-linear digital text, plotting a digital map, recording sound or video for podcasts or analysis, creating digital artwork, building a video game & etc–the options are endless. Practice-led research and critical-making endeavors challenge traditional forms of knowledge production while opening up research topics to new possibilities.

This site is a resource for GC Ph.D. students interested in or currently pursuing digital dissertations, as well as staff, faculty, and administrators supporting such student work.

The site is organized by project stage. Are you getting started, building a project, or finalizing your work? You can also go directly to a consolidated list of resources. Finally, consider listening to one of our podcasts with students, faculty, and librarians about digital dissertations at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Questions? Resources to share? Please let us know by contacting GC Digital Initiatives or emailing the Digital Fellows.


Digital Scholarship Drop-In Hours

This Spring 2025, Digital Fellows are offering weekly virtual digital scholarship drop-in hours on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you are working on a digital dissertation or planning on creating one, you can attend and use the hours as an accountability space. If your dissertation is on Manifold, Manifold fellows hold monthly … Continue reading