Explore some notable places to share your work in scholarly, peer reviewed, formats:
- Share your Project Abstract with the Leonardo Abstract Service
- Submit a description your project to Reviews in DH to for scholarly review
- Have a scholarly podcast that you would like peer reviewed or shared? Check out the Amplify Podcast Network.
- In addition to the project awards listed on the funding page of this site, consider submitting to the DH Awards, which does not have a financial award, but offers an opportunity for garnering international attention and recognition
- Submit an article on your project to an academic journal. DH outlets such as Digital Studies / Le champ numérique, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities, and the Journal of Cultural Analytics accepts work on digital projects–as do media studies journals such as Leonardo. Digital pedagogy folks should consider Hybrid Pedagogy and The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
- For a longer list of DH-focused publications see DHN’s “Where to Publish” list