- As with all scholarly projects, your ideas are likely to expand over time. Iterating on the project concept and design will be essential, as will keeping yourself on track for completing the degree. For this reason, coming up with an initial timeline for completing tasks is strongly recommended. (Consider, for example, how you will know the project is the right scope, what deliverables might look like, how long you think it will take/how long you are willing to let it go on for, what skills you need/already have, what resources you need).
- If you are unsure where to begin or need a little help in this process, request a Digital Fellow Consultation–a 1-1 meeting with a digital fellow to talk through your ideas/help form a plan
- Taking a project management workshop might be helpful at this stage. The ITP program typically offers these each year–keep an eye out for EO/APO emails, which is where they tend to advertise their workshops.
- Reach out early on to digital scholarship librarian Stephen Zweibel–who can advise on your process, tools, and offer tips for moving forward. We also chat with Stephen in our GC Librarians podcast episode–which is likewise recommended.
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