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Episode 4: Kalle Westerling

TL;DR: check out the episode’s Key Takeaways

Digital Fellows Di Yoong and Nicole Cote talk to GC alumn Dr. Kalle Westerling about his digital dissertation project, gaining technical skills, and using the project to move into an alt-ac career.

Dr Kalle Westerling is an alum of the GC. He currently works as a Digital Humanities Research Software Engineer with Living with Machines, a collaboration between the British Library, the Alan Turing Institute, and researchers from a range of UK universities.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help — especially to external research librarians and archivists (for example, at institutions related to your research area). They very often have tools, knowledge, and background to support you and save you time in the process.
  2. In applying for alt-ac roles, especially tech roles, do apply even if you don’t have every listed qualification. And, consider that how you go about tackling the problem is key even if you don’t have all the answers or “right” solution figured out.
  3. Consider how you communicate your technical argument: why a particular tool and why your chosen method. Whether or not the tool becomes obsolete in time, your rationale and methodology will be able to inform and support your work and your individual scholarly approach. This is something that will benefit you whether or not the project turned out exactly as you planned–and in conveying the value of your work in the job search process.
  1. The Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) listserv
  2. The D3.js data visualization library
  3. Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) offered each January at the GC