Project Site
Summary From Dissertation Abstract
“The genesis of this dissertation, as well as the production, revision, and dissemination of its drafts, were generated as part of two digital projects, Social Paper and #SocialDiss, each of which attempted in their own small way to resist the invisible discipline and the ways that conventional academic technology practices structure intellectual work. The goal of this dissertation and its related digital projects is thus to help shine light on the exciting intellectual and political potential of democratizing software development and governance in and through educational institutions.”
Items Included in Formal Submission
PDF of dissertation with project descriptions and samples included as appendices
Digital Component/Project Type
Accompanying project and app that builds through the ideas raised in the dissertation
CUNY Academic Works
Glass, Erin R., “Software of the Oppressed: Reprogramming the Invisible Discipline” (2018). CUNY Academic Works. https://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/2889
Miscellaneous Materials
- Book chapter reflection on the digital dissertation process: Glass, Erin Rose. “#SocialDiss: Transforming the Dissertation into Networked Knowledge Production” In Finger and Kuhn, Shaping the Digital Dissertation, Open Book Publishers, 2021.
- Social Paper grant proposal
- Medium article on the process: Glass, Erin Rose. “#SocialDiss Recap #1: The delightful crowd in the dissertation’s margins,” Medium, 21 Jul 2017.